Justice Deficit
A great man once said that it is better to live under just rule for one hour rather than a lifetime under unjust rule. As i sit in my study surrounded by the works of great people i can only think of two reasons why the world is in such a pitifull state .(1) A justice deficit and (2) deep and meaningful knowledge. We don't really need to love each other but just be fair to one another. You are just if you can stand up and speak against those you love if you know they are in the wrong. Conversely you are just if you can decide in favour of those who you dislike. Conflicts happen when there is a lack of this kind of justice. If everybody were to investigate the effects of their actions deeply and try to get to the heart of every matter than we could claim to be somewhat knowledgeable and maybe avoid much heartache. It's up to us all to pass these values onto those under our care and then maybe just maybe we can hope for a better world
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